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Introduction to the science of Hadith


Concise articles covering the basics for each discipline within the science of Hadith.


Relying upon the traditional authentic sources, without neglecting contemporary Hadith publications.


Fact-checked and structured according to modern Academic standards.


Use of graphics and examples to help explain the content.

“The chain of transmission is (a necessary) part of religion, and had it not been for it everyone would be free to say whatever they wish to say!”

ʿAbdullāh b. al-Mubārak, Muqaddimah Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim

The Science of Hadith

The science of Hadith is from the most significant disciplines in Islam. Its primary focus is the foundations and standards that were laid down by the Hadith scholars to determine the authenticity of Hadiths.

The Science of Hadith

Topics of this section:

Hadith Terminology
Hadith criticizm
Narrator criticizm

The “Sunnah” refers to the entire corpus of authentic prophetic Hadiths. These hadiths include the actions, statements, tacit approvals, outward appearance, and characteristics of the Prophet (s).

The Sunnah

Topics of this section:

The Transcription of the Hadiths
The Importance of the Sunnah
Biographies of Hadith Scholars
Basics for understanding the Sunnah

Here, the reader will find the most important Hadith works and collections, most notably the six known canonical hadith works, as well as discussions regarding the history of their origin and handwritten manuscripts.

Hadith Literature

Topics of this section:

Hadith Collections
Hadith Commentaries
Narrator Collections
Books on Hadith Terminology


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