Hadith Sciences

Hadith science is an umbrella science with many sub-disciplines and sub-sciences. In general, this science deals with the systematic and chronological documentation of hadiths and the associated rules and standards established by hadith scholars to determine the authenticity of the traditions.

Hadiths are classified into four main categories: 1. Saḥīḥ, 2. Ḥasan, 3. Ḍaʾīf, and 4. Mawḍūʾ. In this section you will learn what each of these categories mean.

Hadith Classification

This section focuses on the linguistic and terminological definitions of the various jargon and terms in the science of Hadith as well as their etymology. It will include terms such as Muḥaddith, Isnād, al-Ḥāfiz, Mursal, and Mudallas.


Hadith Terminology

Hadith criticism deals with principles and rules to detect ʾIlal (hidden defects) in what otherwise seem like sound narrations.




Hadith Criticism

Narrator criticism is a necessary discipline without which one cannot grade narrations. This section expounds upon the most important criteria used by the Hadith scholars to classify the reliability of a specific narrator.



Narrator Criticism