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Why donate to

We do not charge any money for the materials we publish. We believe that the authentic Sunnah of our Prophet (s) should be available to everyone without exception. On the other hand, we are up against a fully funded multi-billion-dollar industry solely dedicated to producing and spreading misinformation about our faith, and specifically the Sunnah.

Support our work financially so that we may continue to be able to present Islam and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (s) to both Muslims and non-Muslims alike in an authentic, academic, and professional manner.

We must perceive that the Sunnah of our beloved Prophet (s) as well as its significance is constantly under attack from all sides in the post-modern world.


Few can defend the Sunnah in English, and even fewer at a high and academic level.


We work according to academic standards and present our content to the ordinary Muslim in an understandable and clear way.

We work only with professional and properly trained staff.


Our effort is completely free of charge.