The Sunnah

The “Sunnah” refers to the entire corpus of authentic prophetic Hadiths. These hadiths include the actions, statements, tacit approvals, outward appearance, and characteristics of the Prophet (s). In this section, we will touch upon the various definitions of “Sunnah” linguistically and as a term and elaborate on tis different applications. It will also cover the transcription of the Sunnah, its chronology, and its place in Islamic studies.

Here we explore the Sunnah prior to its transcription, as well as how it was written down.

Transcription of the Sunnah

The Sunnah’s place in Islam is quite often questioned and criticized. Find here the standing of the Sunnah and its significance in Islam.


The Importance of the Sunnah

There is no doubt that the scholars, both the scholars of the well-known six hadith collections and other than them, played a crucial role in preserving the Sunnah. Learn more about them here.




Understanding the Sunnah is a core aspect in Islam. Here, we discuss some basics and principles adhered to by the scholars.



Understanding the Sunnah