When was Prophet Muḥammad (ṣ) born?

Nov 10, 2022Articles

The most widely held opinion with regards to the Messenger of Allah’s (s) date of birth is that he was born on the 12th of Rabīʿ al-ʾAwwal in the Year of the Elephant (571 CE).[1]

Most hadith scholars and historians agree about his birth year. Ibn Al-Qayyim (d. 751/1350) wrote that there is no difference of opinion that he was born in the Year of the Elephant.[2] Also, based on authentic sources, historians also agree that it was on a Monday.[3] Furthermore, most scholars confirm that the Prophet (s) was born in the month of Rabīʿ al-ʾAwwal, although the exact date is disputed.

The well-known scholar Ibn Kathīr (d. 774/1373) summarized the differences of opinions in this regard. He states, “Ibn ʿAbd-al-Barr mentions in his book al-Istīʿāb that some believe it was the second day of the month. Al-Wāqidi transmitted this from Najīh b. ʿAbdurraḥmān. Others say that it was the 8th. This is the view of Ibn Ḥazm al-ʾAndalusi and is transmitted by Muḥammad b. Jubair b. Muṭʿim. According to Ibn ʿAbd-al-Barr, this is the opinion considered correct by historians. Also, Ḥāfiẓ Muḥammad al-Khuwarizmi is certain about the date. Another opinion is that it was the 10th, and this has been transmitted by al-Bāqir and al-Shaʿbī. Ibn Isḥāq is of the opinion that it was the 12th Rabīʿ al-ʾAwwal, which is also transmitted in the Muṣannaf of Ibn Abi Shaibah by Jābir and Ibn ʿAbbās. And this is the well-known opinion that is held by many scholars. Ibn Diḥya states the 17th, which is an opinion of the Shi’ites (…).”[4]

Ibn Kathīr criticized the authenticity of Jābir and Ibn ʿAbbās’s narration (that it was on the 12th). It has an interrupted chain of narration.[5] Thus, there is no source by which one can certainly assert that so and so date is the unquestionable birth date of the Prophet (s).

Based on this, it is permissible in Islamic law to mention what some astronomers say regarding the date of birth. If one were to calculate the date, considering that it was on a Monday, he would arrive to the fact that it was either the 8th or 9th of Rabīʿ al-ʾAwwal. This view is held by the astronomers Maḥmūd Bāshā[6] and Muḥammad Sulaimān.

The astronomer ʿAbdullāh Ibrāhīm wrote: “There is no doubt that the Prophet (s) was born on 20.4.571 A.D…” If one backdates this day, one arrives at the 9th of Rabīʿʿ al-ʾAwwal.[7]


[1] Before the introduction of the Islamic calendar, years were named after known events, which for that year was the event of the elephant attack on Mecca.

[2] Zād al-Maʿād, vol. 1, p. 76.

[3] Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim, no. 1162.

[4] Al-Bidāyah wa-n-Nihāyah, vol. 2, p. 260.

[5] Ibid, vol. 3, p. 135.

[6] Footnote in al-Kāmil fī tārīkh by Ibn Kathīr, vol. 1, p. 270.

[7] Taqwīm al-ʾAzmān, p. 143.

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